When I started nursing my baby I used a rocking chair my parents already had. It's a really nice looking wood rocking chair, which seems like it would be perfect for nursing. However, it's wood, so there isn't any padding, and rocking a rocking chair actually takes some effort. I asked around if any family members had a glider I could borrow, because they are so expensive, but no one did. I had to bite the bullet. I justified the expense since I was going to be spending hours in the chair nursing, and then even after nursing we would use it to read stories for nap and bed time.
My husband and I looked all over for a glider and were surprised at how few furniture stores sell them. Of course there are lots to choose from at Babies R Us, and now even at Buy Buy Baby, but I didn't like anything I saw or sat in. Some looked comfortable, but they were deceiving. I spent a lot of time looking at reviews on Target.com, Babiesrus.com and Amazon.com. We ultimately settled on the Dutailier brand because it received high reviews for function and comfort. I didn't know if I wanted to spend the extra money on a reclining option, but I'm glad my husband convinced me to! I love it and have reclined just about every time I'm in the chair!
We bought the chair on Amazon, and I have to say if you are not an Amazon Prime member you should be. We were a little afraid of putting the chair together, but when we pulled it out of the box we realized it wasn't going to be too difficult. It makes sense that we wouldn't have to put together the gliding part, that would be crazy. We basically put the back on the chair and the cushions.
The first time I used it for a feeding was amazing. Super comfortable, plenty of space for me, the baby, and the boppy pillow (which I also recommend for nursing). The back is high enough for me to rest my head back and relax, and having the ottoman that also glides is a great combination. The offers the ability to lock the recline and the position of the glide, so that it's totally immobile, if you need that for some reason.
Since buying the chair over a year ago, I have slept in it several times with my baby, and it's quite comfortable. I definitely recommend a glider over a rocking chair because the gliding motion is much easier to achieve than the rocking motion, it's also more fluid of a motion. Granted, a glider cannot compete on the classic look of a rocking chair but it totally wins in comfort.
I will also admit that the colors for most gliders are a bit bland, but if you are crafty, you can always try recovering the chair. Here's a link to Apartment Therapy's list of tutorials. Even though the brown micro fiber is "fun", it does clean up great with a wet wipe.
If you are deciding between a rocking chair and a glider, I would choose a glider for sure. And if you are wondering which glider to get, I'd recommend the Dutailier brand especially with the reclining option.
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